Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Trans women and innate behavior in the locker room

However women (and men) relate to natal males is baked in by age six -- end of the sex identification period -- innate behavior.

Caitlin Jenner can partake of all the procedures and hormones she wants to -- she will never become a woman to other women in the locker room or bathroom -- innate behavior.  Same privacy damage wrought.

If we point out to trans folks (being helpful; not being catty) that they don't seem bothered too much when everybody else stays out of the locker room -- maybe they can find some equivalence there that can make feel that the single shower or stall are not so bad after all. 

I'm not worried about who uses the men's room.
 * * * * * *

As for all these state legislatures outlawing different trans therapies for children: come back in 20 years, after the medical profession has sorted out what combinations of therapies produce -- what different choices and outcomes.  Way too tricky and complicated.

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