Sunday, November 10, 2024

Make Democracy Work Again: mandate cert/recert/decert union elections

Higher minimum wage -- blah!  Unions systemically squeeze out the maximum price consumers are willing to pay for their labor.

Any lower price should be taken as a unionless discount -- I wish I could make up an "official sounding" term for this -- start a whole new theory.

We can have all the universal health care, child tax credit, whatever you want.  As long as we suffer "the discount" the rest will always be hollow.

Europe may have the same union organizing rules we have, but they have a social convention to obey the rules.  Our rules may as well not exist -- walking all over them the long held tradition.


I think the only reason we haven't done so is social instinct -- we are so used to our ass backwards, anti-organizing structure that we think (feel) it is the only way life can be.  Further, if you suggest a mandate it is -- irony of ironies -- dismissed out of hand because it seems impossible that the world could be so completely turned around so quickly and so easily.

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Chapter and verse of Republican ideology -- seemingly ready to turn the world inside-out.  Weave it through and through-out the federal budget -- it all boils down to; all it boils down to is to shave 10% off spending. If we waited for 10 years and for 20% more per capita economic growth -- the Republicans would still be for cutting the same 10% -- still imagining they would be turning the world inside-out.

Watched news report tonight that the Trump seems to be using Fox News to fill in so many hiring slots at all levels that you might think Fox was taking over the administration (or the [foreign?] country). 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

"Everyone who offered an opinion was for Mr. Trump"

 "Everyone wanted better material conditions for themselves and their families, and everyone was struggling to obtain them. Some didn’t want to talk about politics. Others felt so ignored by politicians that they have disengaged from the process altogether. Everyone who offered an opinion was for Mr. Trump."

It’s the Inflation, Stupid: Why the Working Class Wants Trump Back