Monday, March 10, 2025


 Progressive folks these days sound like they are ready to work everybody to death, doing any and everything you can do in opposition to the Donald.

The best defense is a good offense:

Nothing could be easier to sell.  I think the idea would spread across country effortlessly -- maybe more like wildfire.  No need for charismatic national leadership.

Unions would pour billions into it -- but they needn't.

The Donald's loss of credibility should be cratering just about time for labor -- the REAL labor to come marching back.

Forget Donald and about just about every other issue we are concerned about.  We have to do this anyway or we will never deal well with anything else.  In Europe workers can organize at will -- ownership doesn't break all the rules at will.  If we want a European style social democracy we have to mandate union elections at every private workplace,

We can hand ourselves our future back on a silver platter.